This image is also from the Mawikwe Bay ice caves.
For by grace are ye saved through faith;
and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:
Ephes. 2:8 (KJV)
Ere dawn I wake in faith and renew this Trek,
The trail unknown, yet trust has shown.
I choose not the path of ease or fame,
But accept the path before me.
Bc Hannold
The scripture in this one reminds that grace is a gift, that all I have to do is to accept it. To walk through the door into the light so to speak. The verse at the bottom reminds me that when I wake in the morning and plant my feet on the floor, that is the path I am on that day. While there are many choices throughout the day, at any given moment I am where I am. Where I have come from matters little, it where I am going to that counts.