Photographing New England – August 12th 10am

The LeConte Photographic Society will host Barry Spruce on Saturday, August 12 th at 10:00am at
the King Family Library in the Burchfield Room for a photo program titled “Photographing New
England”. The program is free and open to the public.
Barry Spruce is a nature and wildlife photographer based in Townsend, TN. He owns and
operates the Cades Cove Gallery and Spruce Photo Tours. Barry has been a professional
photographer for 17 years and does presentations around the Southeastern United States.
Barry has been fortunate to live on both ends of the Appalachian Mountain range that runs
North and South inside the East coast of the United States of America. He was born and raised
on the coast of New Hampshire in Northern New England. He was gifted his first camera for
Christmas at the age of 10 years old. The 110 Kodak Instamatic camera was soon travelling
everywhere that his parents would take him. Much of that travelling was in his home state of
NH and sometimes a trip to Maine, where his father and grandfather grew up. He learned to
canoe, camp and fish both along the coastline and in the interior lakes of the region. His
passion for the outdoors grew and so did his love of photography.
Upon graduating high school, he started working in the automotive parts industry. After just
working a few months he purchased his first film SLR camera. Weekends were now spent
revisiting his childhood trip locations. But now the agenda had changed to capturing moments
in time and the photography passion grew inside him. In 1990 Barry vacationed in the Smoky
Mountains and moved to East Tennessee just months later. Since that time, he has travelled
back to New England, yearly and sometimes more, to continue his quest to capture the beauty
of the New England states. In 2004 he purchased his first DSLR and left film photography
behind forever. Like many photographers switching to digital was like starting over.
Through the years of photographing New England, Barry has come to realize many people
around the country long for the knowledge of how to photograph the New England states. This
has inspired him to put together this presentation you are about to witness.
He will try to share as much of the information as possible in the short amount of time allowed. His hope is that his love for that area and photography in general, will inspire you to visit New England in the near
future. Barry started guiding clients to Northern New England back in 2013 and has expanded
that into all the seasons. So, sit back and relax as he shows you his home away from home in all
four seasons through his photography.